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Foods to eat or avoid for Whitening

Last Updated June 2021

We’ve all been there. We eat something a dark shade of purple, and the next time we look in the mirror, our teeth and tongue are coated in colour. Scan this list of top foods and drinks known to discolour teeth.

TOOTH STAINER #1: Dark Berries

From blueberries to raspberries, all those berries can stain your teeth. This is not a reason to avoid eating these potent, antioxidant-packed superfoods. Just be sure to rinse with water after popping the juicy fruits in your mouth.


Yes, red wine is a known offender — but did you know that white wine, can also lead to tooth discolouration? One way to help prevent staining caused by wine, as well as other drinks, is to use LISTERINE® Advanced White.

TOOTH STAINER #3: Tomato Ketchup

This sugary, dark condiment with potent spices, like curry, cumin and turmeric, can stain your teeth over time. Just be sure to maintain a good oral care routine morning and evening. You can also drink water to flush away tooth-staining food particles.


You don’t have to quit your caffeine habit just because it stains your teeth—try and use a straw when sipping down the dark liquid, as this way, the liquid doesn’t go near your visible front surfaces of your teeth.

TOOTH STAINER #5: Fizzy drinks

With or without sugar, some fizzy drinks can discolour your teeth. Try to avoid these to help prevent tooth discolouration.


Try supplementing your diet with the following foods. Not only do they offer you nutritional benefits, but they also help keep your teeth white.

#1: Sugar-free chewing gum

It’s one of those things that requires a lot of chewing – and that’s a good thing for your teeth. The more you chew the gum, the more saliva you produce. And saliva is a natural cleanser for your teeth by helping to neutralise acids in the mouth.

#2: Citrus fruit

Despite being acidic, citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons and grapefruit increase saliva flow. In fact, research shows that these foods tend to protect tooth enamel. Because citrus fruit contains a lot of water, it also helps wash away acid-producing bacteria.

#3: Cheese

Your mother told you to drink your milk for strong bones and strong teeth. And she was correct. Dairy products, such as cheese, yogurt and milk, contain the enamel-fortifying mineral calcium, which strengthens teeth to protect enamel from erosion. Chewing on cheese also prompts production of saliva, which washes away staining food particles.

#4: Water

The best thirst quencher is also the smartest choice for your teeth. Water helps wash acid-producing foods from the mouth, which may therefore help reduce cavity risk.

#5: Chocolate

Good news - substances found in cocoa appear to dampen inflammation and may help protect against erosion and decay. Despite chocolate containing sugar, it doesn’t seem to increase the risk of cavities compared to other snacks like cookies, crisps, and sweets. Dark chocolate is the best choice, since it contains less sugar than milk chocolate.